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Herbs are sometimes considered as an alternate to gemstones as original gemstones are quite expensive and are not in everyone's approach.  Ancient Indian texts like Ayurveda speak in enormous details regarding the herbs.  According to Vedic astrology, all planets rule different energies and minerals in our body and there are certain herbs which work as a remedial measure to cure the malefic effect of planets and helping the affected to come out of stressful, uncomfortable and painful situations.


Vedic astrology believes that during the bad Dashas or periods of malefic planets, a person also suffers from poor physical and mental health apart from other ill effects.  In view of this, herbal remedies are advised to reduce the malefic effects and increase the positivity in the affected person.  Herbs have different medicinal values and aromas which not only help you from astrological point of view but on the other hand, it will also bestow you with good health and healthy mind.


There is a particular method starting from growing and uprooting them on a particular auspicious time like Ravi-Pushya Nakshatra.

Chakrapani Astrology respects the ideology of Indian ancient scriptures and regards these herbs as deities with different energies.  You can get your horoscope prepared and read at Chakrapani Astrology in detail to know the best herb or a combination of herbs to ward off the negativity and boost up the positive energy.


Chakrapani Astrology provides best herbs which are grown, uprooted, and stored in the method mentioned in ancient texts in Vedic astrology.


Please feel free to contact Chakrapani Astrology to know the herbs meant for you.